About MrBitex
The most advanced crypto currency system
20+Number of services developed
200+Markets Count

Uraman Chain
Uraman native and open source blockchain to serve all businesses on the blockchain platform to implement smart contracts and also store information on it Powerful and on the edge of technology

Indigenous and internal service Communication with various blockchains to send transactions and maintain a safe, indigenous and non-blocking wallet

Multilayer cold protection system

All assets are stored offline and cold, and Hot Volt is not fully utilized. This feature significantly increases security in all layers compared to older Hot Volt technologies.
MrBitex is a leader in the development and commercialization of Blockchain solutions in the Middle East
Based on local knowledge, MrBitex Group has developed the latest method of developing blockchain solutions and is still improving and developing new technologies of global blockchain business.We are always ready to hear your constructive suggestions and criticisms to improve your services and needs, stay in touch with us.